Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 29 at 12:13 PM

(Dad and the other members of the security team at the Airport)

I have been moved from the main camp to the clinic, Healing Hands for Haiti. I am with a team of 10 medical people. Tell Lori I am with her friends, Lisa and Katie. They are heartbroken over the destruction. But otherwise good. There is a breach in the security wall at the back of the 6 acre compound. So that is a concern. I have two Haitian police with me. We can't understand each other so we just smile as we pass. So far the locals have been very friendly with big smiles. Any that speak english, say thanks for coming to our country. I expect on problems after talking with soldiers from Hill AFB. They have been here for two weeks with no problems. I love you all!

** Just to help clarify - Originally my dad was being sent over as a medical personnel. He found out the night before he left he'd be doing security with a group of four other guys. He was asked to bring alot of his own guns and ammo. -Dani


  1. This is Bryn, Kirk's other daughter.

    I would also like to make a few updates. I have found blogs and facebook pages that are also updating us on the work they are doing in Haiti.

    Just last night 2 babies were born on the compound! How amazing is that? Miracles are everywhere!
    Today they are beginning to build an orphanage, assist at various clinics, and they are sending a team to Petit De Gave, a town that has seen no medical relief yet.

    Just thought I would update you all.

  2. Dani-Thanks for setting this up so those who love and care about your dad can stay updated as well.

    Kirk-We are very proud of you for taking the time to serve however, we are not surprised as this is so much of who you are. The Healing Hands for Haiti people really are a special group of individuals. I am pleased that you were assigned to work with them. As you will learn through your time there this is a project very near and dear to their hearts. They have worked for many years to build relationships as well as facilities to care for these people. We will continue to pray for your safety and well being.

    We love you,


  3. We're so proud of you Kirk. It's so neat to be able to see this blog now and see first hand the things that are going on. You can watch the news and see things but this makes it more real knowing someone that's actually there. One of our ER doctors left the same day I believe so maybe you'll run into Dr. Cory Bringhurst. Take care Kirk and be safe. Love you!

  4. We are praying for you and all the people you help.
